04. Pre-requisites

Before you begin…

Prerequisite Skills

In order to succeed in this program, you should have intermediate skills in JavaScript and familiarity with object-oriented programming and web development with HTML and CSS. You should also feel comfortable with the command line and using Github. See more details.

In JavaScript, you should feel comfortable doing the following:

  • Defining functions
  • Using loops and conditional statements
  • Working with various data structures
  • Using classes

In the Command Line, you should feel comfortable:

  • Navigating through folders and files
  • Running scripts from the command line
  • Installing packages

In GitHub, you should feel comfortable:

  • Creating and cloning repositories
  • Making commits to a repository

Additional Resources

If there are skills you'd like to brush up on, you can find the following free and paid programs on Udacity

  • Intro to JavaScript
  • How to use Git and Github
  • Linux Command Line Basics
  • Intro to Programming Nanodegree program
  • Front End Web Developer Nanodegree program

If you feel like you are not prepared for this program, feel free to either refer to these courses mentioned above when you get stuck, or reach out to our support team about postponing your enrollment.